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The Stacey Scarf

The Stacey Scarf

A step by step guide to knitting the cozy Stacey Scarf.  

Ever gotten half way through a project and thought “Hang on, am I even doing this right?”

We have 🙋‍♀️

That’s why we’ve created these step by step overviews to help guide you through the knitting process. 

At each stage we’ll show you how each section your cardi should look, and at the end, how to sew it all together. Voilà! We’ve also included videos below covering the main techniques and stitches. So head on down to the bottom of the page if you just need a quick visual reference.


Stacey's bright and beautiful style is the perfect thing to brighten up a winter outfit. She's made using a dreamy little seed stitch and is super soft and cozy.


Learning to knit can feel like learning code. We've stripped away the complicated jargon and tried to keep things really simple. If your head is still spinning a little, here's a handy video to help you better understand the layout of your pattern. 


Before we dive in let's check that the tension is in line with what we need. We knit a swatch to make sure the tension is juuuust right. It's a bit like goldilocks, if the tension is too tight, your scarf will too small, and if it's too loose it may not hold it's shape and might be too loose. 

If done correctly, your 10x10cm swatch should knit 7 stitches and 9 rows.


Before we get started, learn all the basics with our how to video. This one covers Casting on, 1x1 Rib stitch, Knit stitch, Purl stitch and Casting off. Once you've got these mastered you'll find this pattern is a cinch! 


Okay guys, so we need to get our stitches onto our 15mm needles. To do this we use a method call "casting on". We recommend using the two needle technique. Two needle knit cast on uses your two needles (surprise!), starting with a slip knot on your left needle, each stitch is knitted to form a new loop and this loop is then added to your left needle. You repeat until you’ve made the desired number of stitches. 

💡 Casting on, like many things in knitting, can be done in a number of ways - our suggestion is a simple technique but you can pick any that’s right for you. 

Time to dive into the rib stitch. What is a rib stitch? Glad you asked! 

1x1 Rib Stitch is a textured pattern usually used on the cuffs and necks of jumpers. It’s made by alternating knit and purl stitches in the same row, then knitting the same stitch in the next row. Eg. knitting your knits and purling your purls. When doing your rib stitch it’s important to make sure your yarn is on the correct side of your needles (at the back for knit stitches and at the front for purl stitches.)  

Now we're going to do a seed stitch for the body of the scarf. 

Seed Stitch is a common, easy stitch pattern in knitting. It is made by alternating knit stitches and purl stitches within a row and between rows. It is called seed stitch because the stitches create little bumps that may look like seeds. Seed stitch is identical on both sides and lies flat.

We knit in seed stitch until we have around 20cm of wool left. At this point we're going to change to colour 2. Changing colour is really simply. you should wait until you're at the end of your row, then tie a loose knot to the tail of colour 1 with the new yarn. Slide that knot up to your needle, tighten it, and then start knitting using the new yarn. Don't worry if you've got a bit more then 20cm of wool left, that's fine! 

Continue knitting in seed stitch with colour 2 until you've got 20cm left of that ball. Now change back to your second ball of colour 1. Use the same technique as before- changing at the end of the row. 

You'll knit 40 rows of seed stitch, making sure to keep track using your pattern. 

Now, to make sure the ends of our scarf are even, it's time to finish off with a rib stitch. Complete 4 rows of rib stitch and then cast off! 

To cast off, knit two stitches then slip the first stitch on your right needle back over the second stitch and off the needle. You’ll have one stitch left on your right needle. Knit another stitch so you’ve got two stitches on your right needle and then slip the first stitch off. Continue to the end of the row. When you’ve got the last stitch on your right needle, cut the yarn and thread this through the final stitch to secure.

 YOU ARE D.O.N.E! Well done 🙌



Don't worry if your head is spinning and your fingers are unco, YouTube was our best friend when we taught ourselves how to knit.

Here are some videos which can help but feel free to go searching for your own. There are a number of techniques people use for a lot of the common stitches so there's no one right way. 

Find what works for you! If you get stuck, reach out to us and we'll give you a hand! 😎

Testing your gauge 

Casting On



Knit Stitch


1x1 Rib Stitch 

Casting Off


Changing colours

Weaving in the ends

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